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Shop Talk / Jeffs Forums is Now on Facebook!!
« Last post by SpaceMonkey on September 13, 2022, 12:07:32 pm »
 Hi, freaks!

If you're on Facebook, search for the group "Jeff's Forums" and join us there.

Shop Talk / Thunderstorm
« Last post by slakr on July 13, 2022, 01:27:07 pm »
Finally had a thundetstorm after a year.  They are.coming up more and more.   One last year and had another today

Shop Talk / Re: Covid
« Last post by Silver Mercenary on June 25, 2022, 08:30:07 pm »
feel better dude! i luv how you rate symptoms based on how many beers ingested!
Shop Talk / Covid
« Last post by slakr on June 14, 2022, 12:57:16 pm »
Ah man was supposed to fly on may 28th, flight didnt land because of fog.   Went home and next day was tired as shit.  Did a test at 12 and was.positive for covid.   Friday morning wwas negative. 

Sunday i had a red halls lozonge and no taste at all.  Orange dayquil and no smell or no taste.   For about 2 days felt like a 13 beer hangover.    Then next 2 days just tired like i had a 6 pack.   

Such a weird virus.   Lisa got sick 5 days later.   I was recovering then when she got sick i got worse again.   Just thankful Erica never got sick.   Recovered now after 2.5 weeks but still easy to get tired once in a while
Shop Talk / Re: Moderna Vaccination
« Last post by SpaceMonkey on March 29, 2022, 10:19:14 pm »
LOL @ Silverballs.
Shop Talk / Re: On the road again
« Last post by SpaceMonkey on March 29, 2022, 10:18:31 pm »
Great photos!
Shop Talk / Re: I have a confession after all these years
« Last post by SpaceMonkey on March 29, 2022, 10:17:51 pm »
I have a confession... No, I don't. Never mind.
Shop Talk / Re: Cheers Bitches
« Last post by SpaceMonkey on March 29, 2022, 10:15:44 pm »
Hi Slacker!

I'm happy to hear that you are still sitting on the North Pole. I hope they lubed it.

How's your wife and daughter?
Shop Talk / Re: In this thread, we say what's good in our lives right now
« Last post by SpaceMonkey on March 29, 2022, 10:13:44 pm »
That is a good thing, Silver. I'm proud of you.

My friend, Tom, in early college days got the genital warts. His gal blamed him for giving them to her. He said 'no way. You gave them to me!' as she was only the second gal that he ever plowed.

Tom, is not his real name because his name is actually Tom, said it was awful. He had a cluster bomb of warts all over his ball sack, up his shaft and on his purple penile helmet. The doc gave him medicine to burn that shit off, but the ointment burned off most of the skin from teapot spout to the kettle bottom. He said, "Waking up at night with raw skin from the burning off of the skin -- my crank was stuck to the sheets and I had to pull it free from the sack and ballz. It was so painful!"

I never had an STD, but in college, my pals had every one of them and I heard the stories. Hearing them stories made me wear a condom and a full body SCUBA suit when I ever got laid, which was rarely.
Shop Talk / Re: roll call
« Last post by SpaceMonkey on March 29, 2022, 09:56:47 pm »
Every March 15th, I remember the day I joined the Maxim Pad. I was in Maxim Pad a week prior to March 15th, 2000, but on March 15th there was a huge laugh-riot debate about The Ides of March. So, every March 15th I think of you good friends/fools.

I hope all is well with you all. I turn 55 years old tomorrow and have never felt old before. But last year kicked my ass, and I feel old now.

I officially got divorced last year February, after 6 years of separation. I lost both of my parents due to COVID last summer. I lost three friends my age or younger due to COVID and two due to cancer since last November. I feel tired a lot. I'm just fucking old! I also just had a dime-sized patch of skin cancer removed from my nose 4 weeks ago. It's healing well. Wear your sunscreen!!

BUT! I'm working, so that's cool. I work from home. That's cool too. I make $120,000 a year writing for, so that's cool as well. I actually take meetings and write a bit for about 4 hours and in between watch TV.

My boys, age 13 and 17 are a daily trial, but I love them.

I don't drink as much as I used to. No more drinking 5ths. I buy a couple of beers about every three days (Yes, they are 42. oz Icehouse beers wich are 5.5% alc/vol, but better than when I used to guzzle Early Times and Wild Turkey.

That's my update. What are youz guyz up to?

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