That is a good thing, Silver. I'm proud of you.
My friend, Tom, in early college days got the genital warts. His gal blamed him for giving them to her. He said 'no way. You gave them to me!' as she was only the second gal that he ever plowed.
Tom, is not his real name because his name is actually Tom, said it was awful. He had a cluster bomb of warts all over his ball sack, up his shaft and on his purple penile helmet. The doc gave him medicine to burn that shit off, but the ointment burned off most of the skin from teapot spout to the kettle bottom. He said, "Waking up at night with raw skin from the burning off of the skin -- my crank was stuck to the sheets and I had to pull it free from the sack and ballz. It was so painful!"
I never had an STD, but in college, my pals had every one of them and I heard the stories. Hearing them stories made me wear a condom and a full body SCUBA suit when I ever got laid, which was rarely.