I love getting flowers. The fact that some guy went and took time to pick out the flowers, thinking of you and what you'd like, and then brings them to you is very sweet. All of the sudden you feel desirable and valued. It is thoughtful, and we love it.
Wade my ex used to bring me roses every single Monday, to my office. My ex-boss's crazy wife eventually screamed at him "Don't you know her address!?!" When he brought them to me like clockwork, I didn't really like it. It loss meaning.
I can't imagine a chick trashing flowers even if she was upset. That sounds like a total bitch.
I had another ex who used to bring me a snickers and a magazine, cause he knew I loved it.
This Halloween I saw an old man hobble out of the grocery store with orange roses. We were both walking to our cars. He opened the passenger door, handed the roses to a tiny old woman and kissed her. It brought a tear to my eye.