Your response shows how little you know about the professions you cite. Everything you suggested has been incorporated pretty much since the profession was created.
1) Each one of those professions require a license and some type of formal testing and education (mostly of which is done in the university). Bar exam, med boards, CPA exam, PE, Arch Exam, Nursing exam, teaching license and exams, etc. It's already done. BTW, there aren't many "hands on skills" in those professions, most of those professions rely upon brain power, not mechanics. We already have "paid testing and certification clearinghouses."
2) Each one of the professions require CE (continuing education) in order to remain licensed. If you don't keep up, you lose the license. This applies to doctors, nurses, teachers, engineers, CPAs, architects, etc.. The idea that they can stop learning and still practice isn't true at all, the system doesn't allow this.
3) Each of those professions has an learning and apprenticeship component built in to it. Those professions require a combination of content learning and applied learning. The content learning is done at the university. Testing is done for every class to ensure that the content is learned. If the student doesn't learn the content, they fail out. The mastery of the content is so important to the profession that students must be tested to ensure they know it, this is where college comes in. Each college is accredited in the fields that it teaches. The teachers and the process are tested in order to remain accredited on a regular basis.
The apprenticeship component begins after the degree is earned and required to be licensed. Residencies for doctors, two years of experience for CPAs, clinicals for nurses, internships, etc.
Ogre, you really need to do some research about the professions and the university system of learning. How you think it operates isn't how it operates.
The knowledge may be at our fingertips, but you have to have a method to ensure that knowledge is learned. The university system does that better than any other system. If that wasn't the case, there wouldn't be universities.
And Doctors get MDs not PhDs.