Author Topic: If i was American i would vote for trump  (Read 10581 times)


  • MaximPad
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If i was American i would vote for trump
« on: September 30, 2020, 09:50:50 am »
Just kidding   

Did anyone watch the debate last night?   What a scary unhinged person trump is.   When asked to denounce white supremacists he told his proud boys to stand back and stand by.

Seriously in 2020 you have a leader pumping up hate groups and legitimizing them in their eyes.



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Re: If i was American i would vote for trump
« Reply #1 on: September 30, 2020, 06:54:44 pm »
what about the proud boys makes them a hate group? or racist? there are black members of the proud boys?

and when trump was asked if he would denounce white supremacy he replied "sure"

what the fuck are you even talking about?


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Re: If i was American i would vote for trump
« Reply #2 on: September 30, 2020, 08:37:47 pm »
what about the proud boys makes them a hate group? or racist? there are black members of the proud boys?

and when trump was asked if he would denounce white supremacy he replied "sure"

what the fuck are you even talking about?

He's talking about what everyone saw, and what you're making excuses for...

Regarding Proud Boys, it's a mixed group, but it's a hate group for sure. They hate anyone who doesn't support Trump, and are prepared for violence... they're basically terrorists.


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Re: If i was American i would vote for trump
« Reply #3 on: October 06, 2020, 07:23:31 pm »
the proud boys are just a bunch of dudes willing to punch antifa in the face

that doesn't make them a hate group?  by the way, just because the southern poverty law center says something, it doesn;t make it true, hell the SLPC is a hate group as far as I am concerned, and so are you


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Re: If i was American i would vote for trump
« Reply #4 on: October 08, 2020, 09:58:47 am »
the proud boys are just a bunch of dudes willing to punch antifa in the face

that doesn't make them a hate group?  by the way, just because the southern poverty law center says something, it doesn;t make it true, hell the SLPC is a hate group as far as I am concerned, and so are you

Well, you're fucking delusional. Because that's not what the leader of that group has to say. He's encouraging violence in just about every situation against people who aren't even Antifa. So go back to the drawing board you fucking terrorist apologist.


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  • MaximPad
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Re: If i was American i would vote for trump
« Reply #6 on: October 10, 2020, 01:57:51 pm »
antifa are terrorists

I don't give a fuck about the proud boys, but to call them a hate group is just fucking stupid


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Re: If i was American i would vote for trump
« Reply #7 on: October 11, 2020, 11:21:42 am »
antifa are terrorists

I don't give a fuck about the proud boys, but to call them a hate group is just fucking stupid

Antifa isn't a group. There's no leader. There's no organization. It's an invented enemy for stupid conservatives to circle jerk about while right wing domestic terrorists terrorize anyone on the left for no good (t)reason.

Proud Boys, on the other hand, are an organized group, with a leader, who are actually hate filled terrorists... so there's that.


  • MaximPad
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Re: If i was American i would vote for trump
« Reply #8 on: October 11, 2020, 05:45:39 pm »
this is why I barely engage with politics anymore

you are so delusional and have your head so far up your own ass that your version of reality and mine are divergent to a point that there is no way to ever acknowledge anything

proud boys are diptshits, fine

antifa as some undefinable nebulous group is bullshit, they are clearly organized and have an agenda, they are evil terrorists who wish harm on all of us

bask in your own ignorance, at least I acknowledge that I don't support the assholes, I just want the truth to be told, you seem to love your antifa assholes, I hope they burn down you house in the middle of some bullshit because they are the most dangerous element of our society today


  • The Big Cheese
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Re: If i was American i would vote for trump
« Reply #9 on: October 12, 2020, 09:12:29 am »
this is why I barely engage with politics anymore

you are so delusional and have your head so far up your own ass that your version of reality and mine are divergent to a point that there is no way to ever acknowledge anything

proud boys are diptshits, fine

antifa as some undefinable nebulous group is bullshit, they are clearly organized and have an agenda, they are evil terrorists who wish harm on all of us

bask in your own ignorance, at least I acknowledge that I don't support the assholes, I just want the truth to be told, you seem to love your antifa assholes, I hope they burn down you house in the middle of some bullshit because they are the most dangerous element of our society today

Who is the leader of Antifa? Where can I find an Antifa meeting?

You're full of shit. Antifa is nothing more than a shortened version of the words Anti Fascist. Sometimes people who like to cause trouble say that they're 'antifa', which means that they're 'anti-fascist'. It's not an organization, and you're a fucking fool. It's fucking laughable that you're participating in that circle jerk. Grow up you fucking idiot.

While you're vigorously jerking it to fantasies about some imaginary group taking over America, organized right wing terrorist groups are ACTUALLY making plans to terrorize America. There was a plot to blow shit up right here in Vegas! There was a plot to kidnap the Governor of Michigan! This is REAL shit, not just a few troublemakers at a peaceful protest. Who's delusional? Is the FBI delusional? The FBI isn't finding organized plots by this imaginary antifa. They're finding right wing lunatics, just like y'all's McVeigh so many years ago.

Dangerous isn't an oppressed people fighting for recognition of their rights, it's a psychopathic right wing fighting to oppress them. It's a psychopathic tyrant ordering his gestapo to take to the streets of an American city illegally to attack innocent people uninvited by the state. You're on the wrong side of history, AGAIN. You should be fucking ashamed of yourself for either being too stupid to see yourself being played, or for being the kind of psychopath that supports the bullshit arguments you spew verbatim from the right wing hate machine.


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Re: If i was American i would vote for trump
« Reply #10 on: October 13, 2020, 12:00:35 pm »
"The Proud Boys", which is a gay fag name to begin with, were the impetus for all of the riots. They inflamed the riots. They wore masks and gear and got the riots rolling. Other idiots followed.

Silver Mercenary

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Re: If i was American i would vote for trump
« Reply #11 on: December 05, 2020, 06:40:16 pm »
you are full of shit iep..Im willing to bet ANTIFA is the same people of OCCUPY WALL STREET..Proud boys are verified thugs with violence as their credo. The fact that you sugar coat their existence as "some dudes that just like to get drunk and punch people in the face" speaks  volumes of your psychopathology
Meat IS Murder. How can you have any pudding, if you don't eat your meat?


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Re: If i was American i would vote for trump
« Reply #12 on: January 04, 2021, 03:14:05 am »
Antifa = terrorists funded by Dubai

Proud Boys = far right formerly Boogaloo, rednecks.

Silver Mercenary

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Re: If i was American i would vote for trump
« Reply #13 on: January 04, 2021, 07:23:49 pm »
naw Antifa is really the same people of Occupy Wallstreet

U need to go smoke a Dubai
Meat IS Murder. How can you have any pudding, if you don't eat your meat?